July 2022 archive

Con-sultation, In-sultation: A Glasgow Keelie’s View on the People’s Palace

Con-sultation, In-sultation: A Keelie View on the People’s Palace Even worse than privatising our assets is the Council’s sham called ‘consultation’ with architects-New Practice. Consultation = Pulling the wool over our eyes, their well-used ‘model’.  Despite the fact of 70,000+ online signatures and a very l-o-n-g established ‘Friends’ support group which includes world experts of renown …

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The People’s Palace & Social Justice

In Defence of People’s Palace and Winter Gardens despite the Council £19.7 million funding gap[1]. On a recent visit to the People’s Palace and Winter Gardens Museum I was in the downstairs area only with a disabled person and we were hoping to enjoy the atmosphere of the Winter Gardens but were disappointed as it …

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